
Showing posts from October, 2011

More Sewing Finishes....and QUICK & cute ort bucket project.....

I had more tote and zipper bags to make & deliver in MB (by special order), here are pics of them... I LOVE this set & have the same fabric in my stash for a lap quilt (one of these days Jeanne!).  This Christmas Set was her favorite she said... (and she now has 4 sets! LOL).... This tote was for my dear friend Susan who LOVES blue.  It is very pretty in person! And last fall I ran across this fabric in Susan's fabric stash that she was purging.  I had to use it to make a zipper bag for our friend Char.  ;-)  Now Char is the proud owner of a one of a kind construction worker zipper bag to carry her stitching projects in.  She hooted with laughter when I gave it to her & I do believe she slept with it on the pillow next to her each night...  (I so wish she had a blog! LOL) And now for a SUPER simple project......  This little "ort bucket" is just the cutest idea, and if you want one but don't want to stitch something over...

What a blur October has been..... and Halloween Finishes!!

I have been so busy the entire month of October, but especially the past two weeks, that I hardly know which end is up.  It was LOTS of fun though...... We've been to a couple of shows, Franc D'Ambrosio and Pam Tillis.  Yes, VERY different but both VERY good!  We were also hosting the 14th Annual Cross Stitch Pals "Stitching at the Beach", which was great fun.  I only  have a few pics from the retreat, but I do have pics of the things I stitched/made to exchange and the things I brought home in return.  I will share those with you in a later post. First I want to share with you a few I've made for Halloween since Halloween is tomorrow.  These have been finished for several weeks, but I haven't had time to post anything to my blog. Remember the post several weeks ago where you only saw bits of Halloween Fabrics?  Well, this is what they were, halloween project bags.   I used my GO! Baby and the new Halloween die for the cat ...

My "Santa Sack" for Carol....

I just realized I never posted the "Santa Sack" that I sent to Carol last month..... I know Carol loves polka dots, so when I started looking for a Christmas fabric, I found the polka dot fabric in this line (Christmas Candy by Riley Blake Designs) & went from there.  I think it's pretty cute if I do say so myself.  I made the pattern up as I went along, very simple but I still think it's cute.  It's lined with the polka dots too.  Just thought I'd share....  :-)

Santa Came to Visit..... (Santa Sack Swap #2)

Carol sent me another tote bag as the first wasn't "big enough" to hold everything (her words, not mine!), she's so generous!  Isn't this cute?  And she made the pattern up, she did a great job.  I especially love the buttons sewn around the top of the bag - love buttons and these are the perfect touch!  And tied to that candy cane package is an adorable peppermint tape measure!!  Don't you love it?  Thank you again Carol - it's getting harder now to wait to open the pkgs, but I will do my best....  ;-) I have been busy sewing, stitching a bit & trying to get ready for the retreat that's coming really quickly.  Looking forward to it, but have so much to do!  I'm going to try & share pictures of some of the things I've made - maybe later today.  Check back soon.... Have a great day & happy stitching & sewing!!