
Showing posts from October, 2012

It's almost November....

Hi - I'm still here.  It's been a really rough year for me & I haven't felt like blogging.  We lost my dad on July 1st.  I still find it hard to believe - almost surreal - and it's still hard to deal with.  My mom has been having a very hard time, as I'm sure you can imagine.  They were married for more than 48 1/2 years.  His loss has left a huge void in all of our lives.  At least Ray & I were able to help during the last few weeks, and we didn't leave their house for the last 6 days he was with us.  I miss him terribly and can't believe it's been almost 4 months.  Anyway, thanks to all those who have kept us in your prayers.  He was a wonderful dad and I'll miss him every day for as long as I live. It was really a rough year for several of my friends as well.  I have 4 friends who lost a dad and one who lost her mom - all from April 28th-July 11th.  Just one after another.  :-(  Very sad time for all of us....