Memorial Day....
Memorial Day - I am probably one of many who doesn't take the time to observe Memorial Day like I should. There is no sacrifice greater than someone giving their life to keep us free. When you stop & think about what it takes to do this, it's almost more than the mind can imagine, at least for me. And the way the country is headed these days, we should be even more mindful and more grateful for all those that have died to keep us free in this great country. Thank you and I'm sorry doesn't seem to be enough to say to those who have lost loved ones in the service of our nation, but I don't know of any other words to say. So thank you to all, and I'm sorry for your great loss. Even though I may not express it very eloquently, I know the sacrifice your loved ones have made has helped to make this country one of the best in the world. And here is something I read this a.m. that says it all SO much better than I ever could - In observance of Memorial Day we honor ...