Saturday, March 26th - Spring or ??
It's supposed to be spring, but it sure has turned off "cool" and it's raining this evening. UGH! We really need the rain though, so I won't complain too much. I don't think I've ever seen so much pollen in my life as we've had this year. And I don't know the last time the wisteria was so abundant - see? It's like this all over, but this was pretty amazing. I wish it were across the street instead of 1/2 mile or so away! It's GORGEOUS! I absolutely love wisteria! The yellow jasmine is blooming like crazy too along with lots of other plants/trees. It's a colorful spring, no doubt about that! I received the cutest gift in the mail from Diane - she is thinking of spring as well. Isn't this the sweetest pincushion? I've seen several more on other blogs - looks like Diane has been thinking of more than one of us this Spring - she is just too sweet! Thank you again Diane for being so kind! And this is the bi...