Saturday, March 26th - Spring or ??
It's supposed to be spring, but it sure has turned off "cool" and it's raining this evening. UGH! We really need the rain though, so I won't complain too much. I don't think I've ever seen so much pollen in my life as we've had this year. And I don't know the last time the wisteria was so abundant - see? It's like this all over, but this was pretty amazing. I wish it were across the street instead of 1/2 mile or so away! It's GORGEOUS! I absolutely love wisteria! The yellow jasmine is blooming like crazy too along with lots of other plants/trees. It's a colorful spring, no doubt about that!
I received the cutest gift in the mail from Diane - she is thinking of spring as well. Isn't this the sweetest pincushion? I've seen several more on other blogs - looks like Diane has been thinking of more than one of us this Spring - she is just too sweet! Thank you again Diane for being so kind!
And this is the birthday gift from my dear old friend Donna that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago (camera batteries had died) I taught her to stitch in high school (20+ years ago) and FINALLY, she has stitched something just for me!! I never thought it would happen - lol! ;-) (It's okay, she's knows I'm teasing her!). She even mounted it in the wooden box all by herself! I'm terribly proud of her and I adore my gift. Isn't it pretty?
I haven't been stitching or sewing much at all. Probably not more than 6 hours total the whole month of March. My elbow & shoulder have just been giving me fits. The doctor told me it's from over-use & to rest it. How do you rest your right arm when you are right-handed? My mailman has the same elbow trouble & we've been discussing it lately. He bought an elbow strap and told me today that it really helps, so as soon as he drove away, I went straight to WM & bought one. I was tempted to buy a sling too, but didn't! :-( It's really that bad sometimes. Anyway, I came home & took it out of the box & have had it on for 6+ hours. I lifted the pizza stone a bit ago & didn't even realize I'd done it. AMAZING, since lifting a glass of water makes it hurt. SO, it's working to some degree. I need to go to a different doctor I know.... I just don't want to. :-( Anyway else have really bad elbow pain? If so, what do YOU do for it? If it were just my elbow it wouldn't be so bad. But it's also my shoulder and my arm from my elbow half way to my wrist. Stitching really doesn't make it worse. The pain just puts me in the mood to not feel like picking it up, period. On the upside, I have read quite a few good books this month..... ;-)
Hope you are having a good weekend & happy stitching/sewing to one & all!
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