The Cross Stitch Pals Retreat.....
I know, it's been a few weeks now since the retreat, but I've been crazy busy since we have been back. I do want to share some pictures with you though..... hope you enjoy.... (I THINK the pictures should be clickable for a larger view)
The group of stitchers from all over the USA & Scotland (or most of them at least!)
Stitching - if it were daytime, you could see the ocean....
The lights outside the window are on the pier at the resort.....
The grab bags set up & ready for the taking.... ;-)
and more grab bags.....
Do you see one you'd like?? Or two, or ten? ;-)
And here are the participants - ready start "grabbing".....
Stephanie FL is on the hunt for HER favorite - Steph is my wonderful right hand with the games, exchanges, etc. She is SO creative & I appreciate her help every year - more than I can say!
They are all playing so nice aren't they? Watch out - some of these sweet & friendly stitches can be pretty ruthless... ;-)
That was fun! ;-)
And we had so many beautiful stitched Christmas ornaments to exchange on Friday night....
And that wasn't all of them..... but wanted to give you a glimpse of how lovely they are!
And some of us spent time this year making Christmas Cards for soldiers. Stephanie works for Michael's and all the cards made will be sent overseas this Christmas season. She brought lots of supplies & there wasn't too much fighting over the glitter tape or those really cute snowman stickers... ;-) Thanks again Stephanie (sitting in front, dark hair wearing white w/pink shirt), it was FUN!
I wish I had taken lots more pictures. It seems that every year I have great intentions, but I never seem to get more than a few taken. Luckily Ray was helping on Friday night & he managed to take all of the ones above - thanks Ray! :-)
I wish you could ALL join us. We really do have a lot of fun. I hope to get the info for 2012 up this weekend sometime. You should join us.... there is room for only so many.... ;-)
I'll also be back this weekend with pics of the exchanges I took and the items I brought home. I SCORED!! ;-)
Have a great weekend!!
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